Creating Connection through Ancestral Design

FinalistPeople’s Choice AwardAmerica ByDesign Season WinnerIBM Empower AwardBright AwardCreating Connection through Ancestral Design

Inspired by the intricate and repetitive patterns found in nature, native designer Manaola bridges ancient tradition and contemporary pop culture through his eponymous fashion label, MANAOLA.

By hand-carving nature-inspired designs onto bamboo laths, Manaola employs a traditional Hawaiian stamping method known as ‘ohe kāpala. This bamboo stamping technique, originating from the Hale Kua, or kapa (native bark cloth) beating houses, played a crucial role in the final stages of kapa decoration.

Like many ancient traditions, the sacred art of ancient Hawaiian textile making is a craft rarely seen today.

MANAOLA strives to sustain indigenous culture in the 21st century by infusing traditional art forms and ancient designs into contemporary art. This approach weaves rich cultural history into pop culture, forging a connection between global audiences and Hawaiʻi that resonates with the modern world.

“By wearing a piece of Hawaiian art history inspired by place in the modern world today, we pay homage to centuries of cultural heritage and the land, animals, elements, and people who define it.”

Creating Connection through Ancestral Design
Creating Connection through Ancestral Design
Creating Connection through Ancestral Design