Dexcom G6

There are millions of people around the world living with diabetes, a chronic condition that requires constant monitoring and management of blood glucose levels.
Today, most people with diabetes still use fingerpricks to measure their blood glucose levels, an antiquated and painful test that must be performed up to 12 times per day. In an effort to relieve people with diabetes of the burden of fingerpricks and provide patients with more dynamic and actionable glucose data, the pioneers at Dexcom developed revolutionary real-time continuous glucose monitoring technology. Dexcom’s latest CGM, the Dexcom G6, uses a small, wearable sensor and transmitter to continuously measure and send glucose levels wirelessly to a smart device or receiver, giving patients real-time glucose data without the need to prick their finger. The system also offers customizable alerts and alarms to help avoid potentially dangerous low and high blood sugar events and a function that allows patients to share their glucose data in real time with up to 10 followers. Since its launch, Dexcom G6 has eliminated more than 9 billion fingerpricks around the world and empowered people to take better control of their diabetes.