Avid S1

Their top of the line platform has helped to create award winning films, television shows, news broadcasts and live concerts.
i3 had the opportunity to be a part of the S1 refresh project reducing the footprint, giving the aesthetics a refresh and providing a design solution that was manufacturable and easy to assemble.
With the new compact and streamlined design, the modular S1 system can expand the surface depending on the user's needs, connecting up to four units side by side. The Avid S1's modular nature creates an experience of a fixed studio ecosystem that can be readily picked up and taken with you, giving you the feeling that you never left the studio.
The Avid S1 came from the desire to create a modular system that can easily grow with the users needs and requirements. It's unparalleled speed, rich visual feedback, and software integration of Avid's high-end consoles in a slimline surface that's an easy fit for any space or budget. Avid S1 gives you deep hands-on control of your favorite audio and video software. Together with the free Avid Control app on your iPad or Android tablet, it provides great ergonomic efficiency, easy touch workflows, and Avid S6-style metering and processing views, so you can mix more intuitively and turn around better sounding mixes fast.
Connect up to four S1 units together via the magnetic alignment feature allowing you to grow the S1’s 4x. You can seamlessly connect the Avid Dock to S1 to have dedicated transport controls, a jog wheel, focus fader, and more at your fingertips. Allowing you to switch between multiple applications—and workstations—at the touch of a button, providing the most fluid editing and mixing experience.